At Sunyata Buddhist Centre, we appreciate any help towards the day-to-day running of the centre.
All those involved at the centre give of their time, energy, and dedication on a voluntary basis.
There are many ways to give your support to Sunyata:
- Financial Contributions: We appreciate all donations towards the centre. We do our best to keep the running costs of the centre to a minimum so that the charges of events and retreats can also be kept to a minimum.
- Volunteering: Gardening, building, painting, decorating, cooking, cleaning. If you are interested in volunteering at the centre please let us know by e-mailing Outside of retreat times, anyone is welcome to spend a period of time volunteering at the centre. Information about staying at Sunyata can be found here.
Donations can be made via debit or credit card.
If you wish to support Sunyata and make a donation, click here
To donate via monthly standing order, click here
With gratitude from all at Sunyata.